Friday, January 22, 2016

Opinions of Common Humans

Does the common human have anything relevant to say?

In a world where we are constantly exposed to instant information, though I suspect often erroneous or misleading, can the average person have anything but an ill informed opinion? I ask this because I suspect that most of us do not have the time or ability to collate the facts.

Maybe some of us can be knowledgeable about a few areas within our expertise of work or special interests but really how are we to have viable opinions on things like gun control or pipeline construction? Who and where do we turn to for reliable information?

As a common human I feel I can only ask these questions and be skeptical of all the proclaimed experts. My personal experience of financial and political experts is that their analysis is only correct after the facts. How many times have I heard on CBC Radio the financial expert explaining to me that I was paying over $1 / L for gas because of high demand and low supply? Then the next week the price of oil goes down and the price at the pump goes up.

As beacons of hope I take solace in the writings of authors like Malcolm Gladwell and Carl Sagan who seem to grasp the need to focus their genius and give us a glimmer of insight. My problem is I'm not sure how their works alter the course of the world or if anyone of influence is even listening.

Another situation that troubles me is that I seem to be surrounded by individuals who tout that they are entitled to their opinions and that their opinions are as valid as anyone's. Even if it's their believe in an obscure god or that global warming is a myth. No longer does it seem that there needs to be any supporting facts or critical analysis. It now seems like it's enough to just have the opinion? It is often touted, in my little world, that everyone's opinion deserves as much attention and respect as others. Thus the dilemma we face when zealots indignantly demand equal education on creation as evolution because they are both equally valid opinions.

Now I have just as many ill informed opinions as anyone but I would like to believe that I'm not so foolish as to believe I'm correct. The problem in my view is how is an average human suppose to vote or give input into majorly important issues? How can we build trust in our news and other media sources to give us the information we need? Who can we trust? Is it time for us to give up on the notion that the common human is entitled to contribute to the decision making process of important issues like global warming or the economy? Are politicians even capable of making these decisions?

I doubt that they are, but that's only my opinion.

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