Thursday, October 13, 2022


Today I heard on CBC radio that patients are refusing blood transfusions because they don't want to be exposed to the COVID vaccines. My patience for these uniformed people is limited. How can medical professionals combat this kind of ignorance? 

There is a part of me that blames the medical community for the way it handled the pandemic. There were so many confusing guidelines and conflicting information that many people just lost any level of trust or respect for the "experts". 

The pandemic and the reactions of so many people so vigorously campaigning against the vaccine and the public health measures demonstrates the incredible distrust that many people have of science and government. I'm wonder if this may be a global example of how existential fear results in individus grasping to simplistic and conspiracy theory causes of all the problems in the world. Most of us need answers that we can understand and fit our view of the world.

So I am trying to understand these antivaxers and ultraright nationalist but its very difficult when these individuals feel no obligation to consider anyone else's views. In fact they resent me more because my trying to understand them suggests, correctly,  that I think they are either uniformed, idiots, or just simply self serving assholes. Which of course I do.


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